I love this video. Perhaps seeing a child cry is not the best thing in the world, but I adore this because it is a game that ALL parents have played with their children. Sometimes, they laugh, sometimes, they cry and sometimes, they just roll their eyes. But, in the end, it is a wonderful reminder how similar families all are and how precious are kids are when they are so little.
My children are no longer children, but rather adults as my son Sean is now 24, Gabby is 20 and Caroline 18. It is a strange thing to remember when they were so little and laughing in my arms. But, now, I get to enjoy them as adults and seeing their passions take flight and carve out beautiful new lives.
Some days, there is nothing better than the memories of our children when they cried over little games and the knowledge that one day, they will make their own children cry.
Wow... if you didn't watch the video below, this might sound really bad!